Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Extra Credit

As I watched the movie The Business of Being Born and the Lifetime show One Born Every Minute, I noticed there were many differences. I enjoyed watching the movie, I learned a lot of information about women and the process of giving birth and I also was also informed about options of giving birth that I had never considered before. I learned a lot about what is healthy for a woman’s body while giving birth and how many women do not know a lot of information about what they are doing to their body when they are making unhealthy choices. Although, many women who give birth in a hospital, like in the show One Born Every Minute, are not listened to, the doctors and nurses are the ones whose opinions matter because they are portrayed as knowledgeable and who “knows what is best for the baby.” Compared to the women in the movie, The Business of Being Born, where the women giving birth are the ones whose interests and concerns are listened to, they may rely on their midwife for knowledge but at the end of the day it is the woman’s choice of how she wants to give birth.
In the Lifetime show One Born Every Minute they made the birthing process seem very scary and I may be scarred for the rest of my life (haha). I hated that they made it seem as if drugs was normal. In the movie, The Business of Being Born, I like that I learned a lot of new information on giving birth that I did not know before. It is nice to be educated on the options that I have in the future when I choose to have a child. But, I am not going to lie; I did kind of feel like they were trying to brain wash me a little bit in the beginning. As if to make me feel like giving birth in a hospital is a horrible decision and experience, and that if you do then you are less of a woman for doing so; that bothered me a little bit. But I also liked that the way they portrayed the beauty and peacefulness of a natural birth and the strength of a woman who chooses to experience it. I also love how it allowed the fathers to be more involved in the whole process.

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